Aimer c'est jouir la vie avec ceux qu'on aime,
imaginez si on aime tout le monde...
Aimer c'est sentir le coeur d'autrui,
c'est être sensible...
Aimer c'est agir,
sans hésiter ni se plaindre...
Aimer c'est souffrir sans espoir,
et porter la croix du monde entier...
C'est quand le tournement est intolérable,
et soudain la joie immense s'empare de nos âmes...
Aimer c'est la bénédiction de la souffrance,
Aimer c'est savourer la douleur...
17 commentaires:
Aimer c'est souffrir sans espoir,
et porter la croix du monde entier...
حلوه الجمله دي هنا تتأثر الشاعره بثقافتها المسيحيه قليلا و تكتب عن معني العطاء في الحب ... العطاء بلا أنتظار لمردوده ... جميل جدا ...
Merci 3al comment Antouk, fe3lan mon Dieu = Amour, da imani...
Believe it or not, the same sentence attracted my attention too :)
And here are quick interpretation for these fascinating thoughts, To Whom It May Concern :)
To love is to enjoy the life with those which one loves, imagine if everyone is liked… To love is to feel the heart of others, it is to be sensitive…
To love is to act, without hesitating nor to complain…
To love is to suffer without hope, and to carry the cross of the whole world…
It is when tournament is intolerable, and suddenly the immense joy seizes our hearts… To love it is the blessing of the suffering,
To Love is to enjoy the pain…
Keep the good work up,
P.S. I Love your signature on the right bottom on each and every photo (signé), could you shoot some with vivid colors! It may complement your black&white theme –which I love it too :)
2B || ! 2 B ®
Thanks for your comment, very nice interpretation, although i've a modification..uhumm :D
To love is to enjoy life with those whom we love, imagine if we love the whole world, i think it's just gone a little bit messy :D
Vivid colors, yes i know what you mean, but you know what sometimes when i shoot in the streets here, the whole city lacks color, i think i'm affected with that...
oh, this is much better, Al ma3na fee batn al sha3er ba2a :)
we rabina yelouenilik donyetek :)
i used to shoot but recently i don't have time, i don't know if these notes will help you or not, but it may worth a try (even try it in the dark room i.e. digitally enhancements)
if you are using digital SLR camera, try to increase the contarst and sharpness and shoot using aperture priority mode (under expose -0.5:-1.5 the image might help getting some warmth to the colors)
Color my life :)
I use manual rangefinders, a couple of mechanical feds, and a small Ricoh(auto/manual)...
But don't worry i've some colors in my albums :D
nice crafty piece, i remmber my first machine was Yashica Electro-35 GSN, wow it was a piece of art :)
aimer c'est savourer la douleur
tu sais je croyais que c'est seulement qui trouve le bpnheur et le malheur lies et attaches ensemble u un joli poste continue
Sarah, merci pour ton commentaire, il y a beaucoup de choses qu'on peut pas comprendre parfois, mais on peut les sentir...Benis celui qui peut les exprimer...T'as aussi de merveilleux postes...
so where r u?
finik mesh bayna!
hope everything is going perfect with you :)
and don't forget to get me my colorful shot :)
El alwan fel seka :D
heheheh, la2a alf 7amdella 3alla al sallama, ana seme3t 3an nas to7'rog we matgeesh be7eget tabe3 bosta, bas 3alshan shewayet alwan dee gedeeda :)
mestaneeky we mestany kol al tafaseel bel alwan ba2a :)
kida inty officially lost :P
7ad shaf rubiba be 3elbet alwan tayha ya welad al 7alal :)
lol ana ta2riban nesset el blog :D
tab we illi 3ayez yewasalik shewayet alwan ye3mil aih :)
da ana leya al ganna inny lessa checking ur comments till now LOL so la tel7a2eeny la matel7a2enesh ba2a :P
Ma3ak 7a2 :D
I really need to post something!!
Aimer c'est agir,
sans hésiter ni se plaindre...
j'ai bien aimé ce passage, car on parle tjrs d'amour mais on oublie de le traduire en actions!!
merci pour passer et chapeau pour tes postes, continue n'arrete pas!
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